Our School

At Springbank Community High School, we encourage our students to RISE up to challenges as they pursue the following character ideals:

R – Responsibility

 I – Integrity

S – Strength

E – Excellence


Springbank Community High School endeavours to prepare students who will:

  • Demonstrate leadership in civic, social and environmental concerns
  • Balance academic, athletic and creative endeavours
  • Demonstrate a commitment to life-long learning
  • Exhibit creative and critical thinking
  • Adapt to a continually changing information and media literate world.
  • Become respectful and responsible adults
  • Be prepared for post-secondary endeavors.

Key Learning Principles:

  • Meaning is essential to learning, hence it is essential to teaching and assessing: learning goals must make sense to the teacher and to the learner. There must be regular opportunities to see the value of what we are asked to learn, how it relates to past learning and how it will relate to future learning.
  • Successful learning requires meta-cognition: learning how to reflect, self-assess, and use feedback to self adjust. These meta-cognitive processes can (and should) be taught explicitly.
  • The complexity of learning requires teachers to draw upon a rich repertoire of teaching and assessing strategies carefully matched to the learning goals.
  • Greater learning depends upon the right blend of challenge and comfort – knowing that success is attainable, and realizing that persistent effort will pay off.
  • To maximize learning, learners need multiple opportunities to practice in risk-free environments, to receive regular and specific feedback related to progress against standards, and timely opportunities to use the feedback to re-do and improve.

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.