Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held March 25-28, 2025.
Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences are now available for booking through Conference Manager. You can begin scheduling your appointments on Tuesday, March 18th, at 7:00 AM. The booking window will remain open until Monday, March 24th, at 2:00 PM. After this deadline, you will need to contact your child's teacher directly to arrange a meeting. Teacher contact information can be found under the Staff Directory.
In Person meetings are March 26 & 27 from 4-6 pm; all other times are virtual.
Sign up is now open on the Springbank Community High School Conference Manager, see link:
Conference Manager opens on Tuesday March 18th @7am
Conference manager closes on Monday March 24th at 2pm.
You can set up a parent account by following the link above. Click the REGISTER NOW button and complete the registration form. Your login credentials (email and password) will remain in the system to make it easy to access the Conference Manager in the future. Please note if you have forgotten your Conference Manager password and set up a new account using your existing email. DO NOT request a password reset as that email chain is unseen by the school. You will need to create a new account if you forget your password.
Book your conferences – 1 meeting per teacher per student. Select the teachers with whom you want to book interviews. You will see each teacher’s schedule. After booking your appointments, you can print off your schedule. You will also receive an email containing the teacher’s name, time and location of the conference. You can log into the system at any time to view your bookings, print, cancel or re-schedule appointments. You have the option of submitting comments or questions to the teacher as part of the booking process.